Lock’im up!

What a nice holiday gift to everyone who’s sane in America! The January 6th Congressional Committee just sent four indictments (let’s call them that) to the DoJ. Four! Including one for aiding and abetting an insurrection! It’s now up to the DoJ to lock’im up.

Of course, that’s not all of DJT’s problems (Donald J. Trump aka Il Duce aka “That F&^%ing Moron”). His tax records show that he at least lied about being an astute bizperson, his company has taken a hit (not much monetarily wise, but any bank would now be more than stupid to loan him one penny), and he should go to jail for purposely mishandling Top Secret documents (if your average scientist or engineer did that, or anyone else not as infamous as DJT, they’d be in jail). Finally, to my way of thinking, cajoling Georgia’s Good Ole Piranha leadership to just find him 11,780 votes is enough to put him in jail for the rest of his creepy life.

And it shouldn’t end there! Most of his family belongs in jail, especially Don Jr. and Eric, as well as Giuliai, Eastman, and all his other fascist legal staff. It’s time to sweep the Trump dirt out of American politics into the dustbin of history. The American people demand it. So does the rest of the world, except for Trump’s fellow fascists like Putin, Xi, and other psychotic sociopaths (Il Duce admires’em all!).

I have a new nickname for Il Duce now. Let’s call him Lumpty Dumpty, the biggest loser in American politics. He loved the TV limelight so much, but this version of Humpty Dumpty also had a great fall. He was a loser in 2016 (losing the popular vote to Clinton), in 2020 (losing the popular and Electoral College vote to Biden, despite his later illegal attempts to push slates of state electores who favored him), and in 2022 (nearly every Trump-blessed candidate lost big time, proving yet again he’s a big loser).

Some Good Ole Piranhas are seeing the handwriting on the wall of Lumpty Dumpty’s big crypt awaiting him (does it have a gold toilet?) and are doing their best to cure their fascistic halitosis and stop kissing his ass so they can win a few elections. Their version of Humpty Dumpty has fallen off a very high wall making a big rotten-egg-like splat. The smart ones (there aren’t many) know he’s finished, if not for all his legal problems, then with the majority of Americans who have already washed their hands of him. They know that he’s not any good for even a modest omelet. His big splat showed he’s just one big rotten egg, and everything he’s touched recently (if not always!) has become rotten as well.

And with that, I wish all my readers a wonderful holiday season and a joyous New Year where we can all celebrate the continuing downfall of Lumpty Dumpty.