PGA = “Prince Ghoul’s Assassins”!

Who is Prince Ghoul? You’ve got it! MBS, the Saudi prince and murderer without a soul. He thinks money can buy anything, even respect, and he’s out to prove that in practice.

I’ve always thought of golf as a rich man’s sport, with its rich SOBs making deals on the links (Narcissus le Grand doesn’t mind showing his butt crack on his golf courses while making his); expensive drinks and dinners in fancy club houses; country club memberships that cost more than many middle class homes (certainly more than mine—Il Duce’s are zero cost to him, of course, unless the tax man uncovers yet another Trump Company IRS scam); and more money spent on woods, irons, and putters than I’ll ever be able to spend on publishing and promoting my books.

It’s no wonder that MBS could buy DJT’s soul early in the latter’s presidency (if he has one—Narcissus le Grand’s first overseas trip as president included a saber dance in Saudi Arabia) and PGA manager Jay Monahan’s soul (again, if he has one). In other words, people who play golf are generally people I couldn’t stand to be with, let alone play golf with, not that I have all the time to waste that golfers waste. (Hey, idiots, it’s just a game, and watching a golf match, LIV, PGA, or LIV_+ PGA, is as boring as watching grass grow!)

I’m not sure MBS, the Saudi prince, even plays golf. His main and preferred diversions seem to be torture and murder, including dicing up people like Kashoggi who dare to criticize him. For me, MBS has become the symbol of how evil the Saudi state is, something I’ve observed continuously since 9/11 and even before. Rich Saudis fled the US after 9/11; they knew what had occurred and were expecting the worst. They got rewarded instead…for killing thousands of Americans! (And then used US weaponry to destroy Yemen!)

The Saudi royal family had been supporting the fanatical religious schools that produced most of the 9/11 terrorists and financed motivated bin Laden and his cutthroat fanatics in al Qaeda. (The son is a chip off the old block, by the way. Watch out for him!) Does MBS think he can buy respect after murdering all those people? He’s done that, so he’s definitely motivated now. Asses like Trump and Monahan aid and abet MBS’s murderous activities if only by dealing with him and not putting a bullet between his eyes! MBS and his ilk should be ostracized and quarantined as mega-murderers at the very least, and Saudi Arabia declared to be a US enemy.

I do know that any golfer, pro or even a “f^%$ing moron” and inept player like Trump (the very accurate mental-health diagnosis is a quote from ex-SecState Tillerson), who plays under the new PGA + LIVumbrella, is nothing but an odious scumbag who aids and abets a criminal like MBS. Phil Michelson, are you listening? Are you, Jay Monahan? Your participation in PGA + LIV activities will remind every 9/11 grieving family—no, every decent person in the US and the world—that every cent you make playing golf for this corrupt organization has MBS’s victims’ blood on it!

Yes, indeed, PGA now means “Prince Ghoul’s Assassins.” And any TV sports network or sports reporter who covers this band of cutthroats will also be tainted by the blood of MBS’s victims. Maybe it’s time for Biden et al to develop something akin to a conscience, end all association with the Saudi regime, and ban PGA + LIV from American soil? One can only hope!