Squatting, PBA cards, and other annoying little things…

Sometimes it’s the little things that get so annoyingly bad they become national and not local. No, I’m not talking about the lies spewing forth like diarrhea from the mouth of that “f%$#ing moron” (ex-SecState Tillerson’s quote, by the way, whom DJT effectively fired, and not one that’s as nearly damning as the one from a slew of mental-health professionals who declared DJT to be a psychotic sociopath). In fact, Narcissus le Grand doesn’t deserve any media attention now and hasn’t since January 6, 2021, because his alternate reality never deals with real facts, only “alternative ones,” as an accomplice of his stated so long ago. DJT, America’s wannabe Kim-Orban-Putin-Xi-Il Duce  became a debunked ideologue like most of history’s autocrats as well as a big-league failure in 2016, 2018, 2020, and 2022, never winning the majority of the popular vote or having any success promoting his wannabe acolytes who also became abject failures in the political arena. (Will anyone ever beat his DJT’s record of two impeachments and so many criminal charges, though?) The media and the American public should toss him onto the garbage heap of history and not waste more time on him. He can’t even succeed at campaign funding because he uses those funds to pay his many legal bills, something his many donors among the marching morons must really love! Talk about wasting their hard-earned money! No wonder they want less taxes!

So, enough of this brainless pied piper that those marching morons insist on following over the cliff: Let’s talk about some little things that have become big problems and not initially caused by DJT. First, there seems to be a consensus now: Squatting has gone too far! You know that’s true when both blue New York and red Florida want to take rights away from squatters, who should’t have any! Because that’s agreed amongst many disparate leaders across the political spectrum, this national problem might soon be solved. Fingers crossed and all to the good…and moving on.

Of course, New York has something Florida doesn’t have: Florida has joined Texas (rather the fascist DeSantis has joined forces with the fascist Abbott) and sent tens of thousands of illegals to NYC where some aren’t satisfied with the accomodations provided, food and lodging. For the latter who couldn’t qualify to be any civilized country’s guests, squatting is an attractive option. It’s easy to steal food but finding a decent place to live, especially in expensive NYC, isn’t easy, so why not just move in somewhere someone else owns, like some rich family’s NYC abode where they’re not yet back from down South? It’s the new rage, never mind that it’s illegal and immoral.

PBA means “Police Benevolent Association”—you know, that wonderful blue-man group pretending to collect funds for cops’ health, retirements, and families, although most of the funds collected go to those making those annoying calls. (I’d give to law officials in a minute, by the way, if that campaign was run differntly! Just ask your caller the next time: They have to tell you what percentage goes to those who need it. You’ll be surprised…and angry!) You’re basically paying for someone’s “get-out-of-jail-free” card, but other people like judges and lawyers usually get a PBA card for free as well. In brief, these cards take benevolence to a whole new level.

Again, an incident in the NYC area focused my attention on this travesty: Recently a Westchester attorney, in lieu of accepting her deserved speeding ticket, flashed her PBA card. The cop still gave her a ticket, so she got the poor fellow, who was just doing his job, fired. He’s now suing Westchester, justifiably so, to get his job back…and I suppose that attorney is still speeding and flashing her PBA card whenever she’s stopped!

While I can’t fathom why that rookie cop would ever want to work for Westchester again, I sympathize with his case. Moreover, there seems to be a common theme running thooughout local, state, and federal authorities: Bad rules and regs that have loopholes that allow bad elites who think they’re above the law to lord it over the good people who obey them. Too many of those rules and regs are designed to do just that. Rules for squatters and PBA card holders are just a sampling.

The Donald has a lot in common with those squatters and PBA card holders. It’s called “gaming the system”! In fact, he’s a squatter as well, because NY state basically owns Trump Tower now! And gee, I wonder if DJT also has a PBA card? I guess it wouldn’t be moral of that Bible-hawking salesman to use it.

He still gets a lot of freebies he doesn’t deserve: Taxpayers are still paying for that idiot’s security detail, for example, as the Secret Service protects the mafia Don, which is a also a major travesty when you consider he’s just a more intellectually challenged Benedict Arnold who deserves to face the firing squad if we’re honest. (Of course, the MAGA maniacs are very good at believing his lies…and their own!)