The FPA (that’s Fascist Party of America aka Good Ole Piranhas aka Republicans) and their supporters are using some of the same words to describe the Dems that Dems use to describe the FPA: politicos ruining America…Godless devils…evil monsters, etc., etc. The FPA adds socialists and communists to their taunts, and its QAnon wing adds… Continue reading So amusing…but so sad…
Tag: FPA
Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana…
[Note from Steve: This article continues my series of posts about the FSA, the “Fascist States of America.” There are so many now that it will take a while to get through them!] Call them the antebellum wasteland, the Deep South, Dixie, or part of the FSA, I’ve avoided these three states for good reasons.… Continue reading Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana…