The 1/6 commission…

Because I watched that “f&^%ing moron” and his marching morons’ attempted coup on 1/6/2021 in real time, I didn’t think there would be many surprises from the commission studying that darkest day in American history. In general, there aren’t. But there are some that made me think, “Wow! If they’d only had all that damning data during the second impeachment!”

First, let’s consider the overall coup plot: It’s become even clearer that it began right after the election, engineered by Il Duce and his fascist cronies. That hair-challenged and fat wannabe dictator (that’s one reason why he admires Putin so much!) started his scheming and wouldn’t listen to Barr, his family, or others in his inner circle who were telling him that his claim of election fraud was his living in a dark fantasy world (many psychos do that, of course). Yet, to coddle that supreme narcissist, others had told him he couldn’t lose, and the moron believed them because he wanted to. So, he insisted the election must have been rigged! (That’s probably giving the idiot more credit for logical thinking than he deserves.) By the time Fox News declared that Biden had won Arizona, Trump the Chump was so addicted to power that he wanted to hold onto it at all costs, even if it involved organizing a coup. That’s a crime!

We also knew he’d turned on his VP, but now we’ve learned that was betrayal of a loyal followers was even more extreme. The reading of Trump’s tweet on the Capitol steps incited the mobs to chant, “Hang Mike Pence!” And Trump tells a minion that was exactly what Pence deserved! Hanging’s now a crime!

And then there’s the news about interactions with General Mark Milley: The VP responsibly asked the general to stop the mobs, doing what Trump should have done. Probably under Trump’s orders, Mark Meadows tells Millie instead to preserve Trump’s image and make it out like Trump’s in control even though he was busy gloating about the progress of his coup. That’s dereliction of duty on Trump’s part… another crime!

Of course, other crimes were committed. Fascist Ginny Thomas, wife of fascist SCOTUS justice, encouraged lawyer Eastman in his plot to disallow Biden’s electors. That’s a crime and Eastman knew it—I lost count of how many times he pled the Fifth with the 1/6 commission. It shows Ginny committed a crime too by encouraging the coup! More crimes!

But the biggest criminal here is Trump, the promoter of the coup. No wonder some cabinet members were discussing using the 25th amendment to oust the psychotic president. I wish they had done so before 1/6. But that would have needed Pence’s initiative. He failed America there even though he did his constitutional duty in certifying the election results. He’s no angel, but he’s not the devil his boss was. And he could easily have committed a crime.

I hope all these results and future ones showing that the “f&^%ing moron” and his fascist followers committed treason that day and the days running up to 1/6. They’re all criminals and deserve to be behind bars…or even in front of a firing squad! Maybe now, seeing these crimes,  even some Trump loyalists will have second thoughts about what happened. The country can’t heal without bringing these traitors to justice.