The point of no return?

The Good Ole Piranhas (aka Republicans or the GOP) are now between a rock and a hard place: A minority of them want to return to the core values of the party—limited government, support of big business, a strong military and foreign policy, etc., the GOP’s traditional conservative values in a nutshell—but the others, especially the MAGA-maniacal faction in the US House (but don’t discount Cruz, Hawley, and other election deniers in the US Senate), are bent on turning the US into a fascist copy of the Third Reich—anti-minority; anti-religious, if not anti-Christian; anti-LGBTQ; and so forth, all used to encourage violence against any naysayers, and all taken from the Nazis’ playbook.

The latter group of far-right Piranhas, unfortunately now in the majority and plaguing all of American society (including SCOTUS), whether openly or overtly, cannot move on past their big loser and fallen fuehrer, Donald J. Trump le Skunk, who never has met or heard of a dictator or demagogue he didn’t at least admire and envy if not love, including Xi and Putin. (Most of that MAGA-maniacal minority in Congress are Putin lovers, but they hide their love under the cloak of spending cuts and isolationism.)

Led by McCarthy and McConnell who strive to herd the feral fascist cats (who would have thought that those two Macs leading the House and Senate would seem more reasonable at times compared to the rest of the GOP’s Nazis?), the Piranhas are now mixing or supplanting those traditional conservative values with fascist ones in order to attack the Biden administration and Dems in general. (The MAGA maniacs are NOT conservatives, and the press shouldn’t sully that old complement to “progressive”; they’re fascists!) Even the super-fascist 3G psychos Gaetz, Greene, and Gosar (the first one being a pervert as well) are putting on their cloaks of traditional Republican values and faux-patriotism at times to amp up and hide their anti-Dem campaigns.

The bickering over the debt ceiling is a recent example of the Piranhas’ incompetence if not purposeful destructiveness and internal discord found in the GOP. While the MAGA maniacs have selective amnesian, increasing the debt ceiling was done twice during the Trump administration as well as once during Biden’s. All it does is allow the US to pay its credit card bills, i.e. pay for expenditures already agreed upon in budgets Congress has already passed! There’s no logical quid pro quo to be had for trading approval for raising the debt ceiling and the MAGA maniacs’ desire for budget cuts. Mad McCarthy is stupid and irresponsible to propose this to appease his MAGA-maniacal minority because those two options are like apples and oranges…and completely nonsensical! Moreover, although that MAGA-maniacal minority in Congress and McCarthy will probably deny it, a large percentage of that national debt was created by the spending in their fuehrer’s administration, not Biden’s! (That includes DJT’s scamming the US government to enrich himself, that Washington D.C. hotel only one example. (This fuehrer considered himself king, and kings have to get rich during their reign, right?)

For decades (centuries?), the US has depended on basically a two-party system, the GOP vs. Dems and earlier examples mimicking Britain’s Tories vs. Liberals. (UK is another democracy in trouble, and for a similar reason: fascism. Even Israel is struggling with the fascist Netanyahu!) In the beginning, the Good Ole Piranhas pushed conservative views and that created an equilibrium with the Dems’ progressive ones, albeit an unstable one. The first party was mired in maintaining the status quo and looking fondly backwards to the days of segregation and monopolies; the second party was bent on improving the lives of all Americans for the most part. (Forget the South’s racist Dems who’ve become MAGA maniacs in the GOP for the most part.) The result was a slow, measured improvement often inspired by great leaders like Lincoln (the first Republican, but more akin to LBJ for civil rights), Teddy Roosevelt, FDR, Eisenhower, Kennedy, LBJ, Obama, and Biden. Some VIP Piranha governors like Rockefeller and Romney (who denied that his bold reform of healthcare in Massachusetts inspired Obamacare for political purposes when he ran for president—the fascist Piranhas were already after the ACA!) and many Dem governors nationwide have steadily improved things at the state level. We need this equilbrium between our political parties, even if it is an unstable one. Democracy needs such an equilibrium in order to survive anywhere.

By its self-destructive internal warfare, the Good Ole Piranhas are destroying American democracy, not just their own party. (The same can be said for the Dems, but their self-destructive tendencies are modest in comparison—they’ve always had a bigger umbrella!)

Will this be the point of no return for the Good Ole Piranhas? Will McCarthy and McConnell and their Piranha minions succeed in destroying the traditional Republican party and truly become the Fascist Party of America that, like the Nazis, will send our democracy spiraling down into cesspool of fascism? Time will tell, but the Grim Reaper is knocking at the Good Ole Piranhas’ door! That much is clear!