Talking points for the Dems’ 2024 campaigns…

Because everybody’s already talking about it, I thought an article about the upcoming 2024 presidential campaign and election, while a bit nonsensical, is perhaps appropriate. The Dems will have a good time if they can get past their petty and selfish differences; the Good Ole Piranhas will never get past theirs, so they’ll probably have a very bad time. I list here some of the important points the Dems should trumpet throughout the land in order to hasten the suicidal death of the GOP:

Tout their successes; downplay the fiascos. Not surprisingly, the Dems had more successes in the first two years of the Biden administration than they will in the second two. While the Good Ole Piranhas, with the help of Joe Manchin and Kirsten Sinema, thwarted many good policies that would benefit all Americans, a lot went through with enough bipartisan support to benefit every American. For the fiascos, it’s easy to downplay them. Take the botched withdrawal from Afghanistan: Trump le Chump wanted to do that, knew he’d get a lot of blowback, and desisted; Biden had the courage to do it, and did, although many errors were still made. Take that exploration for oil and pipeline in Alaska. Trump le Chump wanted to do go after oil and mineral wealth in the national parks, national forests, and other national lands; he would have ruined the environment even more! (When I write Trump, I mean the GOP. He wants to be their fuehrer, so he must own all their crimes.)

The Good Ole Piranhas really are the Fascist Party of America. Okay, the Dems probably won’t have the balls to use the word “fascist,” even though that’s what the majority of the Good Ole Piranhas are now. Let’s face it: They’re controlled by and pander to far-right MAGA maniacal idiots from the ex-president right down to the rabid voters, that base of marching morons who idolize Trump le Chump; that includes all the violent thugs he used to attempt his coup on January 6, 2021. This Fascist Party of America is filled with traitors who have committed treason along with DJT: Senators Cruz and Hawley; Representatives Gaetz, Gosar, Greene, Jordan; etc., etc. And then there’s House Leader Kevin McCarthy who turned tapes showing the attempted coup over to another traitor, Tucker Carlson of Fox News, so that this fascist newscaster could cherry-pick what he wanted in a feeble attempt to whitewash all the violence and killings. (We saw all that occur with our own eyes, you jerk! And what we didn’t see, we learned about from the 1/6 committee, who are much more believable than you ever are, Tucker!) The Dems could and should say that such treasonous behavior should not be tolerated, and that all those concerned should be in jail. And they should use the words “fascism” and “fascists” to describe Trump le Chump and his MAGA movement. I know of only one Dem with the courage to use those words, Rep. Maxwell Frost, the promising twenty-six-year-old rep from Florida, when he described Ron DeSantis’s policies—I heartily applaud him! It’s refreshing to see a new generation of progressives enter Congress and say it like it is! Would that a few more GOP members besides Cheney and Kinsinger have the balls to do that! (Even the often waffling Sen. Romney hems and haws. He showed his true nature in that meeting long ago with his backers!) We have to clean up politics in America. The Dems are the only answer we have who can do that. Traitors should be in jail, not mouthing off at Fox News, that fascist news network of America.

The Piranhas are incompetent in addition to being fascists. They could have managed the pandemic better; they didn’t, unless you call anti-mask policies and proposing the use of disinfectant into patients’ veins a solution. Trump le Chump basically left the whole mess to the states, washing his hands of the problem. (Typical. He’s the fool that walks around with disinfectant hand lotion and cringed when some visiting evangelicals laid hands on him to bless him.) The Biden administration took the bull by the horns and organized vaccine distribution. And we’d be Covid-free now if the Piranhas hadn’t encouraged their followers to completely politicize the vaccine and other useful tactics to battle the pandemic, thus endangering their own followers. Their fuehrer had four years, at least two of them where the Piranhas had absolute control, and frittered that time away, failing to deal with Covid, infrastructure, foreign policy and existential threats, etc. In his two years, Biden and the Dems have done more than the Piranhas under Trump le Chump did in four and with slimmer majorities. And why did it take fifteen rounds to elect Speaker McCarthy? Because the Good Ole Piranhas invompetent. They are the very epitome of incompetence when it comes to governing.

The Piranhas moan and whine about immigration but are incapable of proposing any humane solutions. (I emphasize this point to add a few more details to the last item.) The word “humane” is key here. Their fuehrer went as far as separating children from their families, but they have refused to consider an overall reform of immigration policy for decades. Because they can’t organize anything—they’re incapable of governing in general—all they can do is point fingers and criticize. And they like that situation. (A note from history: The communists in Italy did the same thing until they came to power, when they did nothing…just like the GOP!)

The Piranhas have weaponized defaulting on the national debt. (Additional reflections on the Piranhas’ incompetence.) This will be Leader McCarthy and his slim House majority’s shitstorm-gift to the American people. A lot of that debt was incurred during their fuehrer’s reign, not Biden’s, and that fact can only mean that trying to use the threat of defaulting as a negotiating tool for budget cuts is just pure politics that compares their rotten apples with oranges.

The Piranhas have gone after the Dems for mishandling classified documents and given their fuehrer Trump and his stooge Pence a pass. Everyone knew that the fascist Piranhas’ outrage was false when they demanded equality and parity about the documents, just pure hypocrisy that’s typical of the Fascist Party of America. And they should have created special committees to go after their fuehrer’s entire family in addition to Hunter Biden; DJT’s family did their get-rich schemes as part of the fuehrer’s administration, the most corrupt one in modern American history. Fascists are always liars and hypocrits, at least when they’re not encouraging their followers to do violence against their enemies. 

The Piranhas have seated a Congressman whose campaign was built on lies and violated campaign finance laws. George Santos, representing a Long Island district in NY state, is the antithesis of Maxwell Frost mentioned above. The latter is an anomaly in Florida speaking truth to power relative to DeSantis’s incredibly stupid and fascistic lies; Santos is an anomaly in New York speaking lies to everyone about anything and everything. Along with Gaetz, Gosar, Greene, Jordan, and others representing the most blatant fasicsts, these champions of fascist memes steeped in delusion, the criminal Santos represents more of the same old Piranhas’ narcissistic and self-serving fascism. Add to Santos all those who championed the Big Lie made by the MAGA maniacs’ fuehrer, Trump the Big Loser (if he wins the 2024 nomination—it looks like he might—I hope he chooses Lake as his Veep candidate so his loss will be yuge), it’s very easy to paint the Piranhas as the Fascist Party of America. Dems should do exactly that. Tell America what they are and what they want—an autocracy for the US controlled by despots and oligarchs like the Russian Federation after they succeed in destroying democracy.

These are just some of the talking points Dems can use in 2024. Will they have the boldness and courage to use them? Or, will they just wimp out and make themselves accomplices while the GOP kicks our country into the cesspool of fascism to drown in the filth of autocracy? The Dems aren’t that intelligent either, often displaying incredible stupidity as well. Time will tell. Autocrats are a dime a dozen only because believers in democracy let them win so often!