‘Twas quite the debacle!

If there is anyone left in the US—no, even in the rest of the world!—who didn’t know earlier that the Good Ole Piranhas (aka GOP aka Republicans) are immature, self-destructive fascist idiots who are incapable of governing a sandbox in a schoolyard, they only had to watch the torturous proceedings in the chambers of the US House of Representatives to elect a new speaker. To set the stage, recall that, because the GOP fielded so many MAGA maniacs as candidates in the 2022 midterm elections whom voters rejected, the Piranhas lost the US Senate and only squeaked by in the House with a slight majority, echoing Trump’s implosion in 2020 that led to the “big lie” and turned Il Duce (aka that “f&^%ing moron” aka Trump) into the Big Loser, the biggest of all time in American politics.

On the first ballots to elect the speaker, not only did the fascist Piranhas show how chaotically dysfunctional they have become, they were embarrassed by a black liberal named Hakeem Jefferies, the Dem nominee for speaker, because he got more votes than Kevin McCarthy, the Piranhas’ presumed favorite. Indeed he was, because 95% of the Piranhas voted for him time and time again, but that stubborn 5% now called the “Chaos Caucus” (or worse…as if all the Piranhas aren’t chaotic!) refused to vote for their majority candidate right up to the end.

Finally, on the fifteenth ballot, Boba Boebert, Goofy Gaetz, and others in the Chaos Caucus voted “present,” i.e., effectively neither voting for nor against McCarthy. All the MAGA maniacs, that group of fascist feral cats McCarthy was trying to herd (I almost felt sorry for him!), showed they were farther to the right than Il Duce. You’d have thought it was impossible to be more fascist than Trump! He’d groomed those rebels in that Chaos Caucus and they still didn’t listen to him, proving Trump is no longer relevant to the fascist Piranhas. Boba Boebert, who barely won reelection by less than six hundred votes and is already very worried about her funding for 2024, insanely tried to be the faithful servant to Trump, even nominating him and other MAGA maniacs a few times. But with the “present” vote from the Chaos Caucus, it all ended early Saturday morning and the new members of the House were sworn in at two a.m.

Don’t feel too bad that it took so long for McCarthy to prevail. All the time, through fifteen ballots and four days of chaotic debacle, we all knew that the Piranhas aren’t complete nihilists. Some of them want to get things done…like going after Hunter and Joe Biden; attacking Biden’s withdrawal from Afghanistan as they did Clinton’s actions in Benghazi (Trump also wanted to withdraw from Afghanistan, of course, and if you think that doofus could have done it better, I want what you’re drinking); prohibiting any spending that might actually help the American people, so that legislation like that aid during the pandemic and even that infrastructure bill would never pass again; attacking or ending Obamacare, Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid (they prefer ending all aid to the middle and poor classes, of course—more money for them and their rich, fascist masters); and so forth. No, all that and worse things will occur even with McCarthy as speaker! He’s still a fascist but possibly not a complete fanatic.

And it can only get worse. To win the speakership, McCarthy had to geld himself. (He never had any to lose, of course, as his trip to Mar a Lago showed.) Now, any Good Ole Piranha—just one!—can take the House back to that dark and dysfunctional place again and again, a morbidly MAGA B-movie version of Groundhog’s Day! New committee chairs will include fascists like Galloping Greene, Jackass Jordan, and possibly even Goofy Gaetz, the latter simply because he can threaten the recall of the speaker if he doesn’t get his juicy assignment. (That way he can claim to be busy when called to testify in the next probe of his sex trafficking of minors.)

All this chaos can only delight America’s autocratic enemies like Putin and Xi. With the MAGA maniacal Piranhas in power, many of them Putin lovers, that psychotic sociopath Putin could win not only in Ukraine but also in DC because the Piranhas will try to cut off all aid to that country. (This is one time I’m happy the US Senate exists: There are still some mature adults there even among the Piranhas.) I’m guessing that Putin would have won the speaker’s vote a lot easier than McCarthy if old Vladimir had been nominated. The Piranhas nominated Trump. Why not Putin?

And the Dems shouldn’t be gloating. Sure, that speaker-squeaker circus showed how bad the Piranhas will continue to be at governing and working for the American people. But with the Piranhas’ “our way or no way” attitudes, Biden and the Dems won’t get anything done until 2024 when they take the presidency, Senate, and House. Of course, there might not be any country left by 2024. (Are you smiling, Vladimir?)