This is a rather general question with answers that are often complex and baffling. An ally’s situtation often changes rapidly in our changing world. It’s not enough to say that the enemy of our enemies is our friend. Israel is a case in point: Under Netanyahu, Israel is now more a fascist state than ever… Continue reading Should we share intel with Israel?
More revenge for Victor Jara?
If readers of this blog wonder why I’m so passionately against even the hint of fascism in the US and worldwide, here I provide some of my personal background to explain that. You see, I lived in Colombia for more than a decade. As a professor, scientist, and wannabe writer—now mostly unsuccessful in the latter… Continue reading More revenge for Victor Jara?
Time for that Tom Clancy scene?
Quick note from Steve: I won’t make any extensive comments in this blog about the Israel vs. Palestine situation except to state that outside agents have been in play in the Middle East for decades, just like in Ireland, Yugoslavia, Greeks vs. Turks, Armenia vs. Azerbaijan, and so forth. Old ethnic hatreds linger on, festering… Continue reading Time for that Tom Clancy scene?
Tribalism is another deadly plague…
It’s been around since human beings’ prehistory, and it has killed millions. It has led to some nations (think of them as big tribes) acting as aggressors and their victims egotistically whining that their plight is worse than other victims’ and vowing for revenge. These thoughts came to me when a reporter commented on the… Continue reading Tribalism is another deadly plague…
The law v. the mafia-Don…
Al Capone and other big-time gangsters were never put away for major crimes they themselves committed, so we shouldn’t be surprised that the mafia-Don and his family and closest minions would be exceptions: The law has to chip away at the Trump organization slowly but surely to put them out of business. That’s what’s occurring,… Continue reading The law v. the mafia-Don…
Want another government shutdown?
Or, how many ways can the fascist Good Ole Piranhas invent to destroy America? Unless the Dems are completely incompetent (always a possibility these days), they could easily take complete control of the US Congress in 2024. The Piranhas have shown in so many ways that their fascist proclivities have now made them completely incompetent,… Continue reading Want another government shutdown?
Everyone’s laughing at the US…
While there’s some sadness or angst felt worldwide, the rest of the world is laughing at the US. It’s easy to understand why: What other civilized country could possibly nominate a twice-impeached ex-president who staged a coup and currently has four current indictments in as many courts, federal and state on his slate? Moreover, this… Continue reading Everyone’s laughing at the US…
A SCOTUS without ethics rules?
Talk about playing right into the fascists’ hands! It’s not enough that there are no term or age limits (SCOTUS judges don’t want those old and incompetent US senators to one-up them), but they don’t want any ethics rules to get in the way of their judicial (read: legislative!) powers. All six far-right members of… Continue reading A SCOTUS without ethics rules?
The GOP’s plan to destroy the planet…
Everyone knows that the Good Ole Piranhas don’t believe, care about, or want to halt global warming and climate change. One candidate, Ron DeSantis, prattled on about how awful Idalia was for Florida and so forth, not once mentioning that the hurricane’s super-strength came from the extra degrees climate change brought to those gulf waters… Continue reading The GOP’s plan to destroy the planet…
A test for “originalism”…
Originalism is the legal doctrine held by some fascist judges to incorrectly justify decisions they say violate the original meaning the Founding Fathers intended in the US Constitution, as if those old boys were prophets for the modern era descending from Mt. Sinai with the God’s commandments. Never mind that those old boys could never… Continue reading A test for “originalism”…