Errors of Our “Founding Fathers”: the Amendments…

[Note from Steve: This post continues a series of posts, bipartisan in spirit, that analyze the mistakes the “Founding Fathers” made in writing the Constitution, that revered “law of the land.” Why are these errors so meaningful now? Because America’s fascists have discovered them and are using them to destroy American democracy!] The amendments to… Continue reading Errors of Our “Founding Fathers”: the Amendments…

I feel sorry for her…

Secret Service Director Cheatle bravely fell on the sword for her fellow agents and not a few incompetent local police. A wacko who most likely just wanted fame as a mass murderer tried to kill that “f%$#ing moron,” whose protection by the Devil saved him instead. Some proof to my claim can be found in… Continue reading I feel sorry for her…

Trump is one lucky SOB!

I usually wait to comment on the news, taking my sweet time to analyze what it all means. I feel that I’ve done enough analyzing since about 6:15 last night when we were as aghast with the political violence as many other Americans were. After all, we hadn’t had an assassination attempt on a president… Continue reading Trump is one lucky SOB!

Let’s do this again!

A wild man who’s skunk-drunk is shooting his AR-15 rifle in his front yard when a neighbor complains that he’s keeping their newborn awake. He comes over and shoots at them, killing five out of ten people in the house. (Abbott the Nazi writes it all off by saying something akin to “Oh well, they… Continue reading Let’s do this again!

Is this where the new civil war will begin?

Wars often begin in unusual places or in unusual circumstances. Civil wars, not so much; but the US is a big country! The Tennessee legislature’s scandal seems to be an unusual circumstance, but in many ways that state, as birthplace of the KKK, would be a fitting place to begin a new civil war. There’s… Continue reading Is this where the new civil war will begin?

The GOP aids and abets murderers…

That’s what it comes down to when considering their reluctance to act on gun control. By not banning assault weapons and large magazines, they are aiding and abetting the deranged people who commit the mass shootings in the US! Innocents are dying—children, men, and women—and our 130 mass shootings so far this year will only… Continue reading The GOP aids and abets murderers…

Words aren’t enough!

President Biden was only echoing Einstein’s pronouncement that human beings are infinitely stupid when he said that there’s zero redeeming social value for making AR-style automatic or semi-automatic weapons available to private citizens. I’ll make an even stronger statement: There’s absolutely no reason that any private citizen should even own a gun. Period. But these… Continue reading Words aren’t enough!

July 4th celebrations?

Events certainly dampened the celebrations. As the day approached, I asked myself: Is the country worth saving? I believe it is. I then asked: Can we save it? TBD. Thanks to the fascist Good Ole Piranhas and their fanatic followers, from shameless bigots, haters, and racists to far-right Christian terrorists (the two groups intersect, of… Continue reading July 4th celebrations?

Common-sense gun control…

As a complement to last week’s post, I’ll continue to applaud the NY Times’s analysts for their publication of America’s deadly gun stats. Not only that, but in last Sunday’s article, “4 Laws Might Have Saved Lives in 35 Mass Shootings” (6/5/2022), it’s clear that the Fascist Party of America aka the Good Ole Piranhas… Continue reading Common-sense gun control…


Yet another mass shooting, once again in a school; and some politicians are whining and moaning that something should be done, but nothing ever is done! One obvious reason: Too many politicians covet the funding from the NRA and gun manufacturers’ lobbies. That’s just more evidence about how greed and power keep America sliding down… Continue reading Again?