Want another government shutdown?

Or, how many ways can the fascist Good Ole Piranhas invent to destroy America?

Unless the Dems are completely incompetent (always a possibility these days), they could easily take complete control of the US Congress in 2024. The Piranhas have shown in so many ways that their fascist proclivities have now made them completely incompetent, probably not the way they wanted to better the Dems. To win by a landslide in 2024, all the Dems have to do is to remind voters of this again and again!

The recent threat of a government shutdown is indicative of the Piranhas’ inability to govern. Their extreme right wing—a handful of far-right wannabe autocrats—has blackmailed their Speaker Stumble-Bum McCarthy, the Bakersfield Boob: The far right says to do this (the list grows but includes impeaching President Biden without any evidence; supporting Russia, i.e. that murderous villain Putin, in his war with Ukraine; as well as this threatened shutdown) in order to make unreasonable spending cuts. (Odd that they didn’t worry about doing that when their fuehrer Donald Trump was president. Of course, they want to destroy Biden’s programs while Il Duce Trump could do no wrong back then.)

McCarthy in normal time (20th century, making Gangster Gingrich look good!) could have managed to do something right for the country if he made a deal with Dems, but Gabby Gaetz, Boba Boebert, and other extreme fascists among the Piranhas (especially Gabby) threaten to end his speakership if McCarthy does that. That threat makes the shutdown even more likely!

All of this chaos is due to th fact that 2022 didn’t give the Piranhas the majority thay needed in the House, and they lost the Senate (both disasters there and in state elections for the Piranhas caused by Trump’s ineptitude, mind you). 2024 will probably put them in a worse fix with the Dems taking the presidency, House, and Senate. All the Dems have to do is laud the many things Biden and they have accomplished (a lot of it bipartisan!) and make clear how incompetent the GOP’s governance can be.

Dems’ possible weak points: The economy (more perception than reality—voters are myopic, so what else is new?) and immigration (fascist Governor Abbot’s plan is partially working, although the lack of workers is a bipartisan problem). The Piranhas’ clear weak points: Abortion rights (70% of voters are for it), not supporting Ukraine (most everyone recognizes that Putin will continue to attack the West if he isn’t stopped), immigration (politicians in general but Piranhas in particular are too stupid to solve this problem), and their general incompetence when governing. It’s the Dems’ election to lose, folks, and so far the Piranhas have already lost it.