While US Senator Joe Manchin might be considered prehistoric—or a prehistoric lump of coal because he defends it so much?—he and Senator Sinema are DINOs, i.e., Democrats in Name Only. The Good Ole Piranhas have their RINOs, according to that “f%$#ing moron,” our infamous ex-president; but the Dems have their DINOs, and they’re ruining a… Continue reading DINOs…

Is Thomas our Cromwell?

Oliver Cromwell, the fanatical Puritan warrior of England responsible for many murders and Charles I losing his head, was one of the most vile and evil fascists in English history. I argue here that fanatical fascist and dishonorable SCOTUS judge Clarence Thomas is America’s Cromwell. From the first moments of his Senate confirmation hearings, I… Continue reading Is Thomas our Cromwell?

July 4th celebrations?

Events certainly dampened the celebrations. As the day approached, I asked myself: Is the country worth saving? I believe it is. I then asked: Can we save it? TBD. Thanks to the fascist Good Ole Piranhas and their fanatic followers, from shameless bigots, haters, and racists to far-right Christian terrorists (the two groups intersect, of… Continue reading July 4th celebrations?

Freedom from religion?

While you will probably agree with me that Alito, Comey Bryant, Kavanaugh, and Thomas are the new fascist majority of SCOTUS (unless you’re a follower of that “f*&^ing moron” and his fascist Good Ole Piranha toadies), what you should never forget is that they’re also religious fanatics—the first three are far-right Catholics (Alito’s been gunning… Continue reading Freedom from religion?

Are we selling our souls for fossil fuels?

President Biden might have said Vladimir Putin has no soul, but POTUS is selling his to MBS. Mad-dog Putin is starving the world of fossil fuels. So is that mad-dog Saudi prince! And Biden shouldn’t blast one dictator and kiss the ass of another! Biden is wrong to visit Saudi Arabia, the country that engineered… Continue reading Are we selling our souls for fossil fuels?

The 1/6 commission…

Because I watched that “f&^%ing moron” and his marching morons’ attempted coup on 1/6/2021 in real time, I didn’t think there would be many surprises from the commission studying that darkest day in American history. In general, there aren’t. But there are some that made me think, “Wow! If they’d only had all that damning… Continue reading The 1/6 commission…

Common-sense gun control…

As a complement to last week’s post, I’ll continue to applaud the NY Times’s analysts for their publication of America’s deadly gun stats. Not only that, but in last Sunday’s article, “4 Laws Might Have Saved Lives in 35 Mass Shootings” (6/5/2022), it’s clear that the Fascist Party of America aka the Good Ole Piranhas… Continue reading Common-sense gun control…


Yet another mass shooting, once again in a school; and some politicians are whining and moaning that something should be done, but nothing ever is done! One obvious reason: Too many politicians covet the funding from the NRA and gun manufacturers’ lobbies. That’s just more evidence about how greed and power keep America sliding down… Continue reading Again?

Why we might need a civil war…

The recent “leaked” decision-draft from SCOTUS to overturn fifty years of women’s rights illustrates the problem: States’ rights, an excuse for fascism. The Good Ole Piranhas use them to further their fascist agendas, and those five SCOTUS judges signing that draft, fascists themselves, are their willing accomplices. The United States isn’t united’ and Moscow Mitch… Continue reading Why we might need a civil war…

The 2022 midterms…

Wow! All the Good Ole Piranhas’ jaws are already snapping as these fascists continue to tear democratic meat from the body politic. Moscow Mitch McConnell has declared that they’ll push for a federal ban of abortion if they win both houses of Congress—he and his fellow fascists focus more on “that leak” in a feeble… Continue reading The 2022 midterms…