Why we might need a civil war…

The recent “leaked” decision-draft from SCOTUS to overturn fifty years of women’s rights illustrates the problem: States’ rights, an excuse for fascism. The Good Ole Piranhas use them to further their fascist agendas, and those five SCOTUS judges signing that draft, fascists themselves, are their willing accomplices. The United States isn’t united’ and Moscow Mitch… Continue reading Why we might need a civil war…

2022 midterms…

The 2022 midterm elections are coming, and the fascist Good Ole Piranhas are swarming around in their cesspool of autocracy, their needle-toothed maws dripping with sewage that they intend to spew out over the land. What’s patently obvious and irksome to no end, pushing them into a frenzy, is that we’re still a democracy despite… Continue reading 2022 midterms…

Failures of the Founding Fathers…

With a New Year, it’s always healthy to look back and analyze mistakes that have been made. In this article, my look back will go a bit farther than most people’s. Here in the US, we tend to revere the “Founding Fathers” and their creation, the US Constitution. Unlike Britain, everything seemed to be included… Continue reading Failures of the Founding Fathers…

The American Taliban…

After seeing that the far-right SCOTUS judges bloviate about the Mississippi anti-abortion law, I decided I was wrong about them: they’re more than fascists; they’re the American Taliban. I had similar thoughts when I then listened to Mississippi’s moronic governor on CNN’s “State of the Union.” There’s a man who belongs in Afghanistan because that… Continue reading The American Taliban…

Kyle Rittenhouse…

At the time I’m writing this article, it’s still possible that Kyle Rittenhouse gets away with two murders and an attempted murder, even though there’s no question of his guilt. Even as a seventeen-year-old minor, Rittenhouse would have been welcome in the Nazi youth corps. He’s the lad who lived outside Wisconsin and decided to… Continue reading Kyle Rittenhouse…


The recent shooting at a Kroger supermarket in Tennessee is only one of many violent gun incidents that have occurred since the Columbine massacre in 1999. Whether these shootings were the work of deranged or bullied individuals or of domestic terrorists, one thing is certain: It’s too damn easy to get a gun in the… Continue reading Guns…