It’s been around since human beings’ prehistory, and it has killed millions. It has led to some nations (think of them as big tribes) acting as aggressors and their victims egotistically whining that their plight is worse than other victims’ and vowing for revenge. These thoughts came to me when a reporter commented on the… Continue reading Tribalism is another deadly plague…
Category: Terrorism
Human beings can’t seem to get beyond their tribal origins, i.e. acting as small groups with self-serving and often fanatical goals. If we can’t get beyond this, our social structures will never develop beyond our savage natures that define them. Desmond Morris in his classic The Naked Ape theorized that we’re victims of our basic… Continue reading Tribalism…
Words aren’t enough!
President Biden was only echoing Einstein’s pronouncement that human beings are infinitely stupid when he said that there’s zero redeeming social value for making AR-style automatic or semi-automatic weapons available to private citizens. I’ll make an even stronger statement: There’s absolutely no reason that any private citizen should even own a gun. Period. But these… Continue reading Words aren’t enough!
July 4th celebrations?
Events certainly dampened the celebrations. As the day approached, I asked myself: Is the country worth saving? I believe it is. I then asked: Can we save it? TBD. Thanks to the fascist Good Ole Piranhas and their fanatic followers, from shameless bigots, haters, and racists to far-right Christian terrorists (the two groups intersect, of… Continue reading July 4th celebrations?
Are we selling our souls for fossil fuels?
President Biden might have said Vladimir Putin has no soul, but POTUS is selling his to MBS. Mad-dog Putin is starving the world of fossil fuels. So is that mad-dog Saudi prince! And Biden shouldn’t blast one dictator and kiss the ass of another! Biden is wrong to visit Saudi Arabia, the country that engineered… Continue reading Are we selling our souls for fossil fuels?
The 1/6 commission…
Because I watched that “f&^%ing moron” and his marching morons’ attempted coup on 1/6/2021 in real time, I didn’t think there would be many surprises from the commission studying that darkest day in American history. In general, there aren’t. But there are some that made me think, “Wow! If they’d only had all that damning… Continue reading The 1/6 commission…
Common-sense gun control…
As a complement to last week’s post, I’ll continue to applaud the NY Times’s analysts for their publication of America’s deadly gun stats. Not only that, but in last Sunday’s article, “4 Laws Might Have Saved Lives in 35 Mass Shootings” (6/5/2022), it’s clear that the Fascist Party of America aka the Good Ole Piranhas… Continue reading Common-sense gun control…
Yet another mass shooting, once again in a school; and some politicians are whining and moaning that something should be done, but nothing ever is done! One obvious reason: Too many politicians covet the funding from the NRA and gun manufacturers’ lobbies. That’s just more evidence about how greed and power keep America sliding down… Continue reading Again?
The message from the wounded and the dead…
We all watch the scenes showing the atrocities Putin has committed with his evil war and grimace. Of course, this monster doesn’t care what any sane person thinks—he’s a monster and a war criminal. But the Russian people will eventually care. Having lived through the Vietnam era, I know that neither the internet nor even… Continue reading The message from the wounded and the dead…
Drinking the autocrats’ Kool-Aid…
The American and Russian people have something terrible in common: A large number from each group drank the Kool-Aid of their evil autocrats. Too many believed and still believe Trump’s battle cry to “make America great again”; the majority of Russians are too tolerant of Putin’s “make Russia great again.” And both groups of morons… Continue reading Drinking the autocrats’ Kool-Aid…