“What a Wonderful World”

Note from Steve: Sometimes it happens that I’ll write an article that’s appropriate for both my blogs, this one and my writer’s blog at https://stevenmmoore.com. That will usually mean the message contained therein goes beyond politics. I hope this short one resonates. *** Okay, you’ve probably heard many renditions of this song, but Reuben and… Continue reading “What a Wonderful World”

Keeping the “Big Lie” going…

I had to laugh when the “fraudit” in Arizona’s Maricopa county found more than ninety more votes for Biden and more than two-hundred less for Trump  It was also amused because Arizona had spent a lot of state donors’ funds (millions) to pacify the fuehrer, Narcissus le Grand. That Crazy Chump even lauded the auditors… Continue reading Keeping the “Big Lie” going…

The Piranhas ignore your health…

I’m sorry, fascist Good Ole Piranhas (GOP), but certain services (Piranhas, take a deep breath!) should be socialized and not in the private sector. Public transportation and schools have been that way since I can remember, and the world hasn’t come to an end. Health care should be as well, and I’m not talking about… Continue reading The Piranhas ignore your health…

Impending doom for Dems…

Presidents usually can’t affect the economy except when big programs are passed (e.g. FDR’s to combat the Depression). They certainly can’t affect gas prices (they’re up now because the price of crude is up—that’s happened before), or the prices of goods (caused by worldwide events like World War II…or Covid’s effect on supply chains, China’s… Continue reading Impending doom for Dems…

The fascist world of sports…

It didn’t begin with Jon Gruden or the reaction to taking a knee to protest America’s racism. Sports at the college level, and especially the professional level, have always been fascist. The main reason? Money and power, of course. Conservative personalities turn to fascism for both, and the sports world is no exception because there… Continue reading The fascist world of sports…


Moscow Mitch is the most Machiavellian Good Ole Piranha leader the Senate has ever had, and his four years playing along with Narcissus le Grand have done tremendous damage to American democracy, the recent blackmail with the debt ceiling but the tip of the iceberg. The Turtle is a sneaky, behind-the-scenes villain bent on turning… Continue reading McConnell…


From the religious perspective, I’ve often wondered why Christians favor Judaism over Islam. Jews don’t recognize Christ; Muslims do. That was me as a young man being precocious enough to question just about everything. As I matured, I realized it was more a political thing, not having much to do with religion at all, just… Continue reading Israel…

Quips to “celebrities”…

Here are some things I’d love to say face-to-face to some local and national celebrities in response to the good, the bad, and the ugly in what’s going on in the US and the world. To the NYC and California teachers who are willing to lose their jobs for not vaccinating: “Ta-ta, ladies and gentlemen.… Continue reading Quips to “celebrities”…