2022 midterms…

The 2022 midterm elections are coming, and the fascist Good Ole Piranhas are swarming around in their cesspool of autocracy, their needle-toothed maws dripping with sewage that they intend to spew out over the land. What’s patently obvious and irksome to no end, pushing them into a frenzy, is that we’re still a democracy despite… Continue reading 2022 midterms…

The message from the wounded and the dead…

We all watch the scenes showing the atrocities Putin has committed with his evil war and grimace. Of course, this monster doesn’t care what any sane person thinks—he’s a monster and a war criminal. But the Russian people will eventually care. Having lived through the Vietnam era, I know that neither the internet nor even… Continue reading The message from the wounded and the dead…

Why do we need a US Senate?

Like many people (maybe Mr. Biden among them, although he’s too much a coward to say it), I’m fed up with the damn Senate! That’s not just because GOP fascists are attacking a SCOTUS nominee who has far more creds than anyone Trump and the Good Ole Piranhas have recently supported, all fascists. You’ve seen… Continue reading Why do we need a US Senate?

The US doesn’t keep its word…

It seems ages ago, but I was impressed by a Ukrainian parliamentarian interviewed on CNN who reminded me how the US went back on its word. Here’s the historical context: When the USSR collapsed at the end of the twentieth century, Ukraine was loaded with Russian nukes. Both the UK, the US, and Russia promised… Continue reading The US doesn’t keep its word…

Drinking the autocrats’ Kool-Aid…

The American and Russian people have something terrible in common: A large number from each group drank the Kool-Aid of their evil autocrats. Too many believed and still believe Trump’s battle cry to “make America great again”; the majority of Russians are too tolerant of Putin’s “make Russia great again.” And both groups of morons… Continue reading Drinking the autocrats’ Kool-Aid…

Lands of creative opportunity…

I had a strange reaction to the moron who’s head of the Russian space program threatening to take down ISS (all the rocket motors are in the Russian section of the space station, so he says he could order the little corrections necessary to keep the station in orbit and out of the way of… Continue reading Lands of creative opportunity…

A new call to battle, and not just in Ukraine…

There’s no doubt that the paranoid little Russian psycho (his mental health has declined over the years, some experts say), that evil man running the Third World petrol-state of Russia, has perhaps bitten off more than he can chew by invading a free and proud Ukraine. His reasoning was too moronically simplistic: He wanted to… Continue reading A new call to battle, and not just in Ukraine…

Book review of Garry Trudeau’s Yuge!

Yuge! 30 Years of Doonesbury on Trump. G. B. Trudeau, author (Universal Uclick). Relatives and friends know that I’m an avid reader and that my reading tastes range far and wide. This little gem was a recent gift. Like Adam Schiff’s Midnight in Washington, my review of this book is appropriate for both my writer’s… Continue reading Book review of Garry Trudeau’s Yuge!

America’s companies support fascism…

This is no surprise, I suppose, and I’m not afraid to say it. In these posts, I call a spade a spade, although that word has two meanings, and multinational conglomerates are trying to bury us with one. Corporations are essentially fascist organizations. Some little tyrant with no moral scruples and his willing cohorts lord… Continue reading America’s companies support fascism…

A special plea to all people of good faith in the world…

Let’s support the Ukrainian freedom fighters! There’s a real possibility that Putin’s stormtroopers will overrun Ukraine. Whether that occurs or not, all people of good faith, especially Americans who pretend to be for freedom, despite Trump and his minions’ efforts, to be defenders of the free world, should make a solemn vow to support Ukraine’s… Continue reading A special plea to all people of good faith in the world…