The point of no return?

The Good Ole Piranhas (aka Republicans or the GOP) are now between a rock and a hard place: A minority of them want to return to the core values of the party—limited government, support of big business, a strong military and foreign policy, etc., the GOP’s traditional conservative values in a nutshell—but the others, especially… Continue reading The point of no return?

Talking points for the Dems’ 2024 campaigns…

Because everybody’s already talking about it, I thought an article about the upcoming 2024 presidential campaign and election, while a bit nonsensical, is perhaps appropriate. The Dems will have a good time if they can get past their petty and selfish differences; the Good Ole Piranhas will never get past theirs, so they’ll probably have… Continue reading Talking points for the Dems’ 2024 campaigns…